I am fascinated by flow. I aim to maintain it. The stopping of flow feels like depression to me, a creative suicide. Where there is no flow there is decay. Rot. My practice is a way to maintain my wellness.

Stitching has become a medium through which I experience flow, it connects me to my maternal roots and brings memories of my late grandmother, who introduced me to it.



Artist CV


2021    Ya Mas Amman. Amman, Jordan

2021    Wild Jordan Centre. Amman, Jordan 

2019    St. Ignatius of Loyola CSS Art Show. Oakville, Ontario

2013    Orfali Youth Annual Art Gallery. Amman, Jordan 


2001 - ongoing      School of Life

2019 - 2023            BFA at OCAD University


2020     St. Ignatius of Loyola CSS School Calendar. Oakville, Ontario. 


2022   Artist Talk at OCAD University

2021    Artist Talk at St. Luke Anglican Church, youth art program. Oakville, Ontario

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