I think sometimes

Shut up

Don’t exhibit your meaty ideas to the hungry wolves. This is bad for several reasons, first people may steal your idea. Second, they can give their opinion and it can affect how you feel about it, interrupting the very integral process of creation. Third, their energy will enter and possibly sabotage the birth of this new thing. And lastly there is a theory called the intention-behaviour. Psychologists found that sharing intentions publicly creates a premature sense of accomplishment, leading to a decrease in motivation. So do less talking and more doing.


Music is programming you. Don’t allow degeneracy to enter your psyche. Watch what you consume. 

Have you ever wondered why it’s called a “feed”?  They feed you like a farm animal, and they make money out of you. Virtual enslavement. 


After I paint, I sit with my paintings. I look at them, and I appreciate them. I feel gratitude to the very core of my being. Grateful for the time I was given to create. Grateful for my space and my supplies. Grateful for my mind that allows these paintings to be made. It's all so wonderful. There's no greater feeling. 


I am fascinated by flow. I aim to maintain the flow, like a river pouring into the sea. I bring forth what comes to me into the material world. This practice allows me to remain sensitive to the urges that come up during the process of creating. The stopping of flow feels like depression to me, a creative suicide. Where there is no flow there is decay. Rot. My practice is a way to maintain my wellness. When I go through periods where I don’t paint, I am spiritually and mentally unwell. 

Remain sensitive

Strive to avoid a calloused mind. A calloused mind's main way of manifesting is when you tell yourself NO. When a different idea pops into your head, and it's different from what you've done your whole life and you refuse it, you train your brain to operate within certain perimeters. The end of this process is ceasing to create, and claiming 'Not being creative.' It also happens when you expose your precious brain to the 'junk food' equivalent of content. Garbage videos, TikToks, and content invading your brain like viruses, taking over and leaving you a zombie made for their thriving. Don't be a zombie. Your mind is sacred, what you do is sacrilegious. Your mental well-being and your creativity is none of their concern.

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